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时间:2013-08-04 编辑:第四软骨鱼




The creators of R.A.W. – Realms of Ancient War – must’ve been hoping their game would saddle along nicely beside the many loot-based dungeon crawlers leading the resurgence in the genre these days. R.A.W. is a throwback, an old school hack-and-slash cast strictly in the mold of a fantasy setting. You’ll take control of the standard warrior, wizard, or rogue as you click and kill your way through a series of lands populated by dwarves, humans, elves, and spiders. Spiders, seemingly, live everywhere.


和许多ARPG游戏一样,职业技能对应着您PS3手柄上的四大方向键,三角键的作用是使用药瓶补血回魔,交互类动作(如交谈、攻击等)则依靠右摇杆。在您所扮演的英雄能力中,还有一项传奇元素能量槽,(集满后)它能快速地对大批、强悍的敌人造成重创,但由于受到游戏平衡性的制约,它经常无法集满,以致于能够使用的机会并不多。随着游戏的进程,等级得到提升,当然,每升一级,技能树可用的技能点就会加一 —— 但玩家别对角色个性化抱什么期待,也不必专精于单项状态(或技能)的等级深度。

Classes play about as you’d expect, with skills mapped to your four face buttons, health and mana potions to triggers, and interactions to bumpers. There’s a unique element in the ability of your hero to possess large, intimidating foes for a quick rampage, but it’s not used often enough to be a true boon to the gameplay. Leveling allows for progression, of course, with a single point from each level mapped to a skill tree – but don’t expect individual stat level depth when it comes to character customization.



Looks like Diablo. Doesn't play like it though.



It’s that lack of customization that’s one of the biggest issues with R.A.W. Whether your warrior is wielding an axe or a sword, there's no real difference.Poison damage or fire damage? It didn’t seem to matter much. Even your gear won’t stand out with the camera zoomed to a playable, but decidedly distant vantage point. The ability to zoom is sadly lacking.



Also missing is an option to block, dodge or do pretty much anything to avoid being pummeled relentlessly by mobs. For this reason alone you’ll find yourself dying far more often than you’d expect, even as a seasoned dungeon-looting vet. Combine the frequency of death with a “soulstone” system to limit your attempts per level (using all of them wipes all progress and loot you’ve acquired) and you’ve got a recipe for disaster. Your frustration will approach headache proportions when you notice that a mini-map (or any map at all) is missing from R.A.W.



No soulstones and a mob this size? Run.



The game has an asking price of 1200 MSP, which would seem fair considering the length of the campaign (around 12 hours with some time for grinding levels) and the included local co-op, which is always fun for dungeon crawlers, but here’s the rub: dungeon crawlers are having a resurgence. You’ve got no shortage of them out there to play and many, or truthfully most, surpass R.A.W. in nearly every way. The game is a throwback to the old-school, but sadly, it’s gone so far back it feels prototypical. R.A.W. needs more depth, customization, and many more of the advances made in the modern trends of dungeon crawler design to be worth your time.




With enough issues to dissuade all but the most gluttonous of dungeon crawler junkies, this game seems to think that old school just meant less is more. It isn’t. R.A.W. will likely turn you off with missing features, awkward design choices, and loot with no luster.





刺客信条枭雄好玩吗之前就说过,刺客信条枭雄评禁22日解封,昨天晚上本作的首批评分也已出炉。刺客信条枭雄IGN评分8.2分,下面我们先为大家带来游戏的简评。优点: +专注有趣的故事 +历史名人狄更斯支线任务设计。

2020-12-21 【新闻资讯】
