Very Interesting tanks Game battle strategies and different enemy tanks.
How To Play :
you have 50 missiles. you have to find and pick up more missiles in order to continue the confrontation with your enemy and thus increase your score .
Lure the enemy to the heights area so that you can hit him without being able of targeting you.
Scoring System :
you will get 1000 points when you accurately hit the enemy tank .
you will lose 500 points when your tank is being hit by the enemy .
At the end of the confrontation with the enemy, your strength level will be determined based on your score according to the following .
1- "Not good fighter"
2- "Acceptable fighter"
3- "Good fighter"
4- "Competent fighter"
5- "Superior fighter"
It,s a real tanks war ...
王者荣耀在1月9日宣布甄姬冰雪奇缘皮肤,在特效中,甄姬可以召唤白马前进,非常梦幻,那么王者荣耀甄姬冰雪奇缘联动保底多少钱呢?感兴趣的小伙伴不要错过,赶快来看一下吧! 王者荣耀甄姬冰雪奇缘联动保底多少钱答:4000点券-6000点券1、在游戏内无双品质的皮肤都是要通过抽奖获取的,具体的概率上下浮动不定性因素很大;2、按照官方给到的保底抽取和随机掉落概率,大概在400元-600元区间可以抽到限定皮肤;