你因為感情糾紛被陷害入獄,但你沒有放棄,一直在計劃越獄。在這裡你不用發愁只有單一的玩法,也不用擔心只有少量的關卡。我們為您準備了5種完全不同的遊戲玩法,多達40個不同難度的關卡。你擅長反應類游戲?沒問題,滿足你!你擅長解謎類游戲?沒問題,滿足你!在這裡,一次微小的閃失,都可能讓你重回牢籠!一點微小的細節,都可能讓你逃脫生天。準備好你的手指了嗎?準備好你的大腦了嗎?一段驚心動魄的越獄旅程即將開始,下一個越獄大師就是你!快來加入吧! 遊戲特性: - 8張精美的主題地圖 - 5種截然不同的玩法 - 40+不同難度的關卡 - 10+的精美道具助你過關 --- Breaking the rules is way more fun than playing by them. And breaking the prison is even more fun, especially you are framed into the jail! You have been sentenced to death for a crime you did not commit. Now you need to devise an elaborate plan to escape the prison and clear your name. As a brilliant mechanical engineer, you need to build up the tools in your cell first. Then steal the keys from the guards, discover the escape route by solving puzzles, and break out the prison by sneaking into an escape tunnel underneath the prison. Are you ready to escape and prove your innocence now? Game Features: - Mind-bending puzzles plus addictive action game-play - Chilling atmosphere and beautiful visuals - 40+ challenging levels in 8 different themed cells